Thursday, November 14, 2019

cold sassy tree :: essays research papers

Rising Action: 1. Grandpa finds a wife who will live with him for his final days. Mary Lou seems to not like Mrs. Love Simpson living with her father but keeps quite about her disliking. 2. After the wedding, Mrs. Love Simpson has an unexpected visitor carrying an expensive saddle covered in gold and silver pieces. He finds Mrs. Love Simpson and with out saying a word, proceeds to kiss her in a passionate way. A grandpa walk in the door to find them standing in the room with lips interlocked, but doesn’t seem to get mad. He introduces himself like he would any other person. Later they find out he was one of Mrs. Love Simpson’s old boyfriends. 3. When the newly weds come home from a short trip from Atlanta, they are seen riding in a brand new Cadillac. They are now the proud new owners of the first car in Cold Sassy. Then soon decide to turn part of the store into a car dealership to sell more cars to the wealthy people of the town. 4. William is now closer to Grandpa then ever before, but he can’t help but seem like Grandpa is doing something wrong by marrying Mrs. Love Simpson. Along with the rest of the family and town. Climax: 5. It seems that the family has more problems then the rest of the town can ever imagine. Thorton is soon found dead in his own kitchen. William finds a suicide letter to Mary Lou in the bedroom next to the bed. He reads the letter and sees that Thorton did indeed commit suicide, but for reasons that he guesses he cant even find the words for it it’s so awful. The family is devastated but goes on with life. Falling Action: 6. Mrs. Love Simpson can’t help but feel to blame for this unfortunate turn of events and asks Grandpa for a divorce so she can leave and get away from the watchful eye of the town.

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