Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Strategies Used for the Gifted and for Those Who Are Developmentally Delayed Essay Example for Free

Techniques Used for the Gifted and for Those Who Are Developmentally Delayed Essay For the most part when we discuss people with incapacities, the very center or focal point of concern consistently falls on people with formatively disarranges, genuinely impaired, sincerely clutters. We will in general pass up a great opportunity the people who are conceived as â€Å"gifted†. Well for us, as the title says (talented), being brought into the world skilled is to a greater extent a gift than the reverse way around. Be that as it may, the reality of the situation is, it isn't as simple as it might appear to be. In the event that people with various types of disarranges have unique needs, so do talented people. It might simply be in an alternate way, in a unique kind and in an increasingly different circumstance however there still is an extraordinary need and this is likewise should be appropriately tended to in a similar way similarly as with different inabilities. Since both skilled and with inabilities people need extraordinary necessities, relating alterations, methodologies and changes ought to be done in like manner to have the option to suit to their requirements along these lines learning procedure can happen. Both study hall set up ought to be structured in agreement to give ideal helpfulness in learning. Both have its own arrangements of instructing methodologies that would be best successful in each arrangement of exceptionalities. At first, both talented and formatively postponed people ought to be appropriately evaluated dependent on either a primer agenda or appraisal got from the experts, for example, formative pediatrician or therapist. Acquiring the evaluation would assist us with segregating or recognize people that are gentle moderate and extreme. It likewise goes the equivalent with talented youngsters, we have to realize which are somewhat skilled, reasonably and profoundly talented so as to have the option to address their requirements all the more properly. Another mental truth that we have to learn is that most learning happens when an ideal match between the learner’s current comprehension and the test of new learning material has been deliberately designed. Picking a fitting project for both talented and formatively deferred people has consistently been in fact a test to anybody. Sets of projects are constantly done individualistic may it be for skilled individual or individual with formative postponement on the grounds that both have extraordinary qualities that make them so close to home and unique in relation to each other. In addition, frequently than not, the advancement programs given to these two exceptionalities depend on their pace. For the most part, for the formatively deferred understudies the underlying advance for learning procedure to happen is conduct adjustment. When the conduct is appropriately tended to, which means the educator can get the consideration and conduct of the understudy, will the learning produce results. In skilled youngsters, in any case, the underlying advance is to find the child’s region of talent and make a program that will join in and improve farther his extraordinary needs. Conduct change isn't the fundamental worry now aside from some social perspective, for example, adapting up to peers more seasoned of his/her age. On the off chance that that case occurs, that is the main time that conduct intercession is required. On the off chance that encouraging strategies use for formatively postponed understudies are immediate guidelines and errand investigation, in this way making undertakings as basic and as legitimately trained as workable for simpler dominance, for skilled understudies, it is making it increasingly mind boggling and conceptual to keep up the student’s premium and be tested with it. On the off chance that the talented understudies ace a specific unit, they should be furnished with further developed learning exercises, not business as usual movement as in the past. With formatively postponed understudies, reiterations of exercises and errands are fitting to have the option to bring about dominance. Besides, skilled students’ learning attributes are best presented with topical, expansive based and integrative substance as opposed to simply single-branches of knowledge in which are being utilized in formatively postponed understudies. Compacting are utilized with skilled understudy to smooth out educational program so as to permit them to move at a faster pace and have the opportunity to seek after in interchange subject while in formatively deferred understudies, the (general) undertaking or action is separated into bits of littler errands to have the option to successfully ace the (general) task.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Many Uses of John

The Many Uses of John The Many Uses of John The Many Uses of John By Maeve Maddox Albeit male names like Aiden, Jayden, and Santiago lead in prevalence among different ethnic and social gatherings in the U.S., the name John comes simply after James as the most well known in the complete populace as indicated by 1990 evaluation figures. The long-standing prevalence of John has brought forth various articulations in English, not every one of them prone to satisfy bearers of the name. Since the name is so normal, it has filled in as a nonexclusive handle for any man, rather like Mac, Jack, and Joe, as in Hey, Mac! Got a light?, Every man jack of them (which means each and every man), and G.I. Joe (any man serving in the military). In the times of the incomparable English houses (think, Downton Abbey), â€Å"John† or â€Å"John Thomas† was utilized to allude to a man of the worker class, for example, a footman, head servant, or server. In time, â€Å"John Thomas† turned into a code word for penis. Another word for a similar male body part is â€Å"Johnson.† An anglicized adaptation of French gendarme gave â€Å"johndarm† or â€Å"john,† a slang word for a police officer. â€Å"John Doe† started in English law as an invented name to depict one of the individuals in person a specific sort of case. The name has come to be utilized to allude to a normal or commonplace resident. A 1941 Frank Capra film featuring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck, Meet John Doe, centers around the enduring of destitute and jobless U.S. residents. Watchers of police dramatizations realize that â€Å"John Doe† is frequently used to allude to a body whose personality is obscure. A female casualty is known as a â€Å"Jane Doe.† The word john to allude to a W.C. or on the other hand latrine may get from the name of its innovator, Sir John Harington/Harrington (1561-1612), an individual from Queen Elizabeth I’s court. The utilization of john to allude to a prostitute’s customer may have something to do with one of the implications of â€Å"John Thomas.† The word john likewise happens in a couple of thing mixes. A demijohn is an enormous container generally encased in wicker, similar to a jug of Chianti, just a lot greater. The wicker packaging has a couple of handles to make the jug simpler to convey. A John vessel is a little, level bottomed pontoon utilized on inland conduits in the U.S. It is additionally spelled jon vessel. A johnny cake in the U.S. is a cake made of cornmeal and toasted before a fire. In Australia, a johnny cake is made of wheat supper and prepared on the cinders or seared in a skillet. Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives50 Nautical Terms in General UseHow Do You Fare?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

7 Bad Money Habits That Lead to Bad Credit

7 Bad Money Habits That Lead to Bad Credit 7  Bad Money Habits That Lead to Bad Credit 7  Bad Money Habits That Lead to Bad CreditIf you want a healthy credit score, you need to save more, spend less, and  be patient.Having bad credit can sometimes feel like a curse, like it’s something entirely beyond your control, something that’s utterly impossible to fix.But even though it can feel that way. We all know that’s not the case.While there are certainly many instances where bad luck or misfortuneâ€"incidents that are entirely beyond your controlâ€"can contribute to financial woes and send your credit score down the tubes, there are just as many times where bad money habits are the real culprit.Even when it comes to instances of bad luck, there are good money practices that can leave you much better prepared to deal with them. Having a real, sizable emergency fund, for instance, means that you don’t have to turn to personal loans in a time of financial need.If you want to fix your bad credit, you need to fix the bad money habits that cause it. Here are seven bad credit habits to fix today!1. Making only the minimum payment on your credit card.While paying your bills on time represents a big portion of your FICO credit score, another big factor in your credit score is your amounts owed, and your credit utilization plays a big part in that,” says Stephen Slaybaugh, a consumer analyst with DealNews (@DealNews).“If youre only making the minimum payment, your credit utilization will be higher and it will take longer to pay off your debt. Try to pay as much of your balance off as possible each month.”This is great advice, and it bears repeating. Credit experts generally say that you should keep your credit utilization ratio at 30 percent of your total credit limit or below. Paying off your entire balance month to month means that you are maintaining a ratio of zero percent.Carrying a balance from month to month on your card also means that you are paying interest on that balance, which is cutting in your budget and costing you more money in the long run.Even if you can’t pay off your entire balance every month, avoid paying only the minimum.2.      Not having an emergency fund.  Carla Dearing is the CEO of Sum180 (@mysum180), an online financial wellness service. She says that “The single worst money mistake you can make is to fail to maintain a cash cushion for emergencies.”“Eventually, an event like a job layoff or a medical emergency will happen to most of us. Without an emergency fund, this can trigger debt that gradually spirals out of control. Give yourself the security that comes from knowing unexpected expenses will not derail you.”Being saddled with debt like that is going to be very bad for your credit score. Here are two steps that Dearing suggests you take to build up an emergency fund:“Increase your monthly savings and deposit as much of that as possible into an easily accessible savings account until it reaches about six months’ worth of expenses.”“After that, build up another 18-24 mo nths of cushion to weather more serious emergencies.”Unsure where you can find money to save? Dearing has a wonderful suggestion for that, too:“If you’re not sure where or how to cut back on expenses in order to increase your savings, try this exercise: take a “No Spend Month.” Eliminate all non-essential spending for a month. The simple act of sorting your expenses into “wants” vs. “needs” for one month can be eye-opening and liberating.”“You’ll find it easier to sacrifice luxuries like expensive dinners or a vacation when you understand what you stand to gain: security and peace of mind.”Krista Neeley, Managing Vice President of Appreciation Financial (AppreciationFin), a retirement services company, has some great insight into why some people have difficulty with saving.“Most savings habits are difficult for people because they perceive it as a loss, rather than a replacement. We have too many of us who seek instant gratification rather than long-term longevity benefits,” she says.“When we think of savings as someone or something taking away from us rather than a gift we are giving to ourselves, it can make it harder to save. We have so many bills to pay or financial responsibilities to meet, sometimes we forget to get ourselves onto that list!”3. Being Too Casual About Saving.If you don’t have an emergency fund or retirement savings, it means that you aren’t putting any thought towards saving money. You’re just living your life, swiping your card, and hoping that things will take care of themselves.But saving money isn’t something that just happens. It requires making a plan and then sticking to itâ€"which is a lot harder than it sounds. It definitely won’t “take care of itself.”“Saving is a habit, and the same way it took us multiple attempts over time to learn how to correctly, then effectively, then quickly tie our shoes, the same principles apply when seeking how to improve or build habits of financial abundance and stability,” says Neeley.“Starting young means building a healthier relationship with money and a high expectation of the goals and life money can create should you choose to create it. Money can be one of the most empowering tools and one of the most frustrating, but its determined 100% by us! Saving for long-term goals while you are young is also vital when remembering interest and accounts build up over time which is only on your side before age 40. After that, long-term savings (like retirement) become increasingly expensive!”In order to build up your savings, you need to be deliberate. You need to make a plan and then stick to itâ€"which can be harder than it sounds.With that in mind, here are some great savings tips from Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, money coach and founder of The Fiscal Femme (@TheFiscalFemme):“Automate. I love making our financial lives as easy as possible, and automating is a great way to do that. It also ensures that it will happen. When we set our savings up to transfer automatically we treat our saving like an expense. Its not about whats left over or what wed like to save, its about paying ourselves first and making it a priority.”“Separate. Its very hard to save money in a savings account thats with the same bank as our checking account. We see it every time we check our balance and it just feels available to us to use. We end up transferring money over bit by bit to our checking and then theres no money left in our savings. When we open up a separate savings account, the money feels less available to us. Out of sight and out of mind. We also can earn some interest. Online savings accounts get about 1 percent interest vs. our brick-and-mortar banks that give about 0.01 percent.”Neeley has some spot-on advice as well:“You can use a third-party app like Digit to help you save each month also. This is a great tool when saving for a trip or something fun thats a few months out, you will surprise yourself wit h how much you can save in small increments.”[Oh, and speaking of apps to help improve your financial life, why not check out our Finance App Directory? There, we review money apps for everyday needs like savings, budgeting, transferring money and more.]“You can still go out to dinner and enjoy life, maybe just remind yourself that the $10 movie popcorn or $8 dessert when at dinner would feel better in your bank account instead of in your belly. Instead of giving into that $7 Starbucks run, take the cash and put it into savings for your future goals (maybe thats a future Starbucks run).”No matter how you decide to do it, you need to get serious about saving. Lacking an emergency fund is how you end up putting emergency expenses on your credit card or turning to bad credit loans and no credit check loans to get cash in a hurry.And behavior like that is how you end up hurting your credit score in the long run.4. Living Without a Budget.Fixing this bad habit can fix a lot of othe r spending woes.Going without a budget means that you aren’t tracking your spending, and you’re not making the hard choices on where to cut back. It means you’re probably racking up too much credit card debt and making only your minimum payments.Living without a budget means living without awareness of where your money is going. And your credit score is going to pay the price.“Its important to have a budget and stick to it, says Slaybaugh. The best way to do that is to examine your spending habits. That means writing it all down.”He says that “the simplest way to get started is by using an app like Mint or Level, which connect to your bank account(s) to see what you make and what you spend. These apps can build budgets for you based on your existing spending patterns, and keep you on track by letting you know when youre going over budget and when bills are due.”Gerstley notes that the rising popularity of mobile payment makes it even easier for us to ignore our finance s:“We have a tendency to avoid paying attention to where our money is going, and technology has made this that much easier. We can hop in and out of Ubers without paying and we can buy things with a click of a button or swipe of a credit card.”“I have each and every one of my clients manually track their spending via an actual notebook or notes on their phone,” she says.“Its a new practice so it will take time to get the hang of it. Its important that we are kind with ourselves as we build the new habit. And the more we dont want to do this, the more we have to gain from doing it!”5. Spending Outside of Your Means.There are two main planks to the “out of control credit card spending” platform.The first is using your cards to pay for emergency expenses because you lack a savings account. It’s using credit cards to buy consumer goods that you want but can’t you couldn’t otherwise afford!This doesn’t mean that you can’t afford to go out to a nice dinner once i n awhile, or buy that new PS4, or paint those sweet jet flames on the side of your Honda Civic.It just means that you can’t do all of those things at the same time. And it means saving up the money to pay for them up front.“If your spending is higher than your income, its time to rethink things,” says Slaybaugh. Look at your spending numbers and figure out where you could cut back.” Do you need that pricey cable package? Could you skip a few nights out every month?”“Sometimes even relatively small changes, like carrying your lunch or not picking up coffee on the way to work every day, can add up over the month to make your budget work. Keep tweaking your budget numbers until what youre spending is less than what youre making.”Another option is taking on a side gig. That way, you can earn extra money to pay for all that great stuff. (We’d be remiss if we didn’t tell that at least some of that should go towards your savings.)To learn more about picking the perfect si de hustle, check out our list of 10 great side hustles that are perfect for quick cash.5. Ignoring Your Credit Score.Failing to pay attention to your credit score and then wondering why it’s so low is like failing to pay attention to your dog and then wondering why it misbehaves.And while your credit score won’t eat your couch or poop in your shoes, ignoring it can have incredibly dire consequences for your life overall.“Figure out where you stand with your credit score,” says Gerstley.  â€œThe first step to increasing your credit score is to figure out where you stand. How will you get where you want to be if you don’t even know where you’re starting from?”Here are her three tips for keeping on top of your score, as well as your larger credit history:“Pull your credit report for free each year at AnnualCreditReport.com. Your credit report is the source of information for your credit score. In the report, you should find all of your credit accounts, including credit cards and loans as well as your limits, balances and payment history.”“Review this information each year to make sure it’s all correct. The quickest way to increase your score is to remedy errors from your credit report. A delinquent loan on your report that isn’t yours would be weighing your score down incorrectly. Having that removed will move you up immediately!”“Your credit score can range from 350-850, 850 being perfect. The most widely used credit score is the FICO score and many credit cards are now reporting that score on monthly statements. You can also pull your FICO score from MyFICO.com. For a fee, you can see a breakdown of your score along with action steps to improve it.”By federal law, the three major credit reporting agenciesâ€"Experian, TransUnion, and Equifaxâ€"all have to make one free copy of your credit report available to you per year. In order to really keep  track of your financesâ€"not to mention your identityâ€"we recommend that you request one report every four months.6.  Skipping out on insurance.Another way to deal with unforeseen expenses, especially medical costs and home or car repairs, is to have insurance cover the majority of the tab.Even if insurance premiums mean that your budget is a little tighter than normal, it beats resorting to costly payday loans or title loans during an emergency.When it comes to the benefits  insurance coverage, Dearing is chock full of good advice:“When we think about our taking care of our ‘finances,’ we often think of growing our savings, retirement or investment accounts. But the truth is, your money is so much more than your savings or your investments.”“Protect your assets and your future from liability by getting property, casualty, and perhaps umbrella insurance coverage, as well as health insurance, disability, and other specialized coverage you may need to have due to your circumstances.”Identity theft has become increasingly common recently, so you may want to consider this as well. For a small premium ($25-$60 per year) you can purchase credit monitoring and reimbursement for the costs associated with repairing your credit history if you become a victim.“If you are a homeowner, be sure to update your coverage yearly. Have you had an addition built onto your home in the past year? Did you completely renovate your kitchen or install a full-feature home theater? Reviewing and adjust your coverage to reflect the current value of your home will save you a lot of money in case the unexpected happens.7.   Not daring to hope.No, wait. Here us out.One of the worst things you can do when you’re financially struggling is to give up hope. That kind of mindset leads to self-destructive choices, which then make you feel even more hopeless.If you have bad credit already, it’s going to take a while to pull your score up out of the gutter. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.(Read more about this in our blog post: Want to Raise Your Credit Score by 50 Points? Here Are 4 Great Tips.)Granted, it’s going to take some planning, some discipline, and a whole lot of patience. (A little luck doesn’t hurt, either.) But it is the farthest thing from impossibleOn the other hand: giving up? That’ll guarantee your score stays bad. Heck, it will probably make it get even worse.Dearing has some fantastic insight on this topic:“Three out of four Americans live paycheck to paycheck, says Dearing.  In this situation, it takes a leap of faith to imagine that a better financial situation for yourself and your family might be possible. But hope is an essential ingredient to building a better financial picture. You don’t have to know how to get there; that can come later. For now, just allow for the possibility of making things work. ““Then, tune in. Instead of avoiding the things that stress you out â€" credit cards debts, student loans, etc. â€" confront them. If you need it, get help from a good financial planner. You ma y be surprised to discover that things aren’t as bad as you imagine.”“Set aside time to deal with your money on a regular basis, so you can deal thoughtfully with questions that come up and address problems before they become crises. If dealing with money has been stressful for you in the past, creating a schedule to handle money questions regularly can defuse the anxiety. Eventually, it will just be another part of your routine.”Think about your finances the same you’d think about your health. If you don’t take care of it every day, your finances will end up getting sick. Really, really sick.“Our financial health and strength are just as important as our mental, emotional, and physical health and strength,” says Neeley. “Taking time to better understand and empower yourself financially can be the backbone to creating the freedom, flexibility, and peace of mind your desire for your future. Having a strong, stable foundation for your finances is the easiest way to c reate a bright future in all other areas of your life.”How have you conquered your  bad money habits? We want to know! You can  email us,  or you can find us on Twitter at  @OppLoans.ContributorsCarla Dearing is CEO of SUM180, an online financial wellness service designed to be simple and affordable. She is also CEO and Managing Director of IMC, a marketing services agency. Previously, Carla held senior executive positions with at the University of Louisville, Community Foundations of America and Investors Capital Services. Earlier, she worked at Morgan Stanley and American National Bank Trust Company. She holds an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a BA from the University of Michigan, Phi Beta Kappa.Ashley Feinstein Gerstley  (@TheFiscalFemme)  is a money coach and founder of  the Fiscal Femme  where she demystifies the world of personal finance and money in a fun and accessible way so her clients achieve their financial goals.Krista Neeley is the p roud mother of three amazing girls, passionate about finances and helping others, and is blissfully married to her sweetheart. Shes been in financial services for 5 years and enjoys supporting people in achieving financial liberty. She enjoys traveling, photography, reading, and Disneyland trips during her free time.Stephen Slaybaugh has been writing for such national and regional publications as The Village Voice, Paste, The Agit Reader, and The Big Takeover for 20 years, and has been covering consumer electronics and technology for DealNews since 2013. Stephen lives in New York, and is a native of Ohio.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Appointments For The Health Care System - 888 Words

Problem Statement Patients have been missing appointments or have canceled required follow up testing which were ordered by providers. These appointments are either canceled or no show within 24hrs before scheduled time. Missed appointments are a cost to the health care system in terms of personnel time, extended waiting lists, and the loss of potentially beneficial services. In the past quarter we have seen a decline in No Show Rate. We have 160 weekly spaces available for appointments in the hospital. The 10 % of the patients did not show up, which equals a total of 16 missed appointments a week at $120 per visit. $1,920 in lost revenue in a week which equals $23,040 in the past 3 months. Which means patients failed to receive a recommended care, and the appointment slots were wasted. Generally, no-show rates range from 5%-55% (6). Pediatric clinics might see a no-show rate of below 5%, urban family clinics often see no-show rates between 10%-20% (8). And certain outpatient and surgical clinics-colonoscopies, endoscopies, pulmonary tests and other procedures that require special prep or diets by the patient- have even higher rates, around 50% (8,11). In 2010 study shows specifically at heart failure patients has high no-show rates (3). A little survey to determine the reasons of no show in the John Adams hospitals were conducted last week. Total 356 patients missed appointments were invited to complete the survey of the reasons why. The 276 were returned out of theShow MoreRelatedAppointment Scheduling Systems For The Health Care Industry Essay2122 Words   |  9 PagesINTRODUCTION Health Care Providers, like any business, are facing increased pressure to improve their efficiency and quality of service, while also reducing their costs. Health care expenditures currently cost around 45% of public funding, and they are expected to double by 2050 (Gupta Benton, 2008). 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Monday, May 11, 2020

Analysis Of John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men - 950 Words

Peter Farnham 139678 Mrs. Hungers Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Honors English 10 Application Mental disabilitesy often cause disturbing or disruptives very false behavior. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, two migrant workers, named George and Lennie, find work at a ranch, and Lennie, who has having a mental disability, causes numerous problemsincidents of trouble. When Lennie kills the wife of a worker on the ranch named Curley, Steinbeck shows how that shapes the story through George, Lennie himself, and a few other ranch workers. To begin with, George shows changes in his outlook on everything after Lennie commits this crime. Before the event, George always had somewhat of an open heart towards Lennie due to†¦show more content†¦The book says, â€Å"George moved slowly after them, and his feet dragged heavily† (98). Even though he does not want to see his companion go, he knows it is not out of line what the other ranch workers are doing. Although, George wants to be the one to say goodbye to Lennie and not h ave him be tortured, so he finds him and shoots him himself calmly before any of them reach his destination. In addition to George’s outlook on Lennie, after he kills Curley’s wife, all of his hope is lost in ever having a farm of their own. It says, â€Å"‘I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would’† (94). Ever since the beginning George and Lennie want to have a farm of their own. However, once Lennie commits this crime, all of his hope is lost. This pivotal moment for Lennie causes George’s full realization, shaping the story from thatto the point toof the climax. Additionally, Lennie shows a big change in his personality after he kills Curley’s wife. Throughout the story Lennie is known for being unintentionally rough on things such as mice, a puppy, and even Curley’s hand when the two got into an altercation together. Although in those incidents Lennie was only concerned about what George would think of him versus his own morality and safety. He felt like that after killing Curley’s wife. After Lennie kills the puppy he says, â€Å"‘Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. I didn’t bounce

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ashinabe Culture Free Essays

The research is focused on one of the Indian tribes of Canada called the Ashinabe. Their culture and social customs are investigated, its importance determined and put into context within the contemporary culture. The Ashinabe of the Great Lakes tribes settled in Turtle Island in Canada before the arrival of the Europeans or the â€Å"light-skinned race â€Å"as the Ashinabe called them. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ashinabe Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now They were a member of the group called the First Nations consisting of native â€Å"Indian† inhabitants of Canada. The Ashinabe had close family ties and kin communities. However, like other natives of modern times, the Ashinabe had to fight for their rights to their land and culture. As inherent to the natives who first inhabit the Continents of America, the Ashinabe are rich in social custom. The meaning and practices of these customs are handed down from generation to generation by the respected Elders through stories that are often identified as myths and legends. The Ashinabe had clear division of what does a woman and man do in society. The women were in-charge of household chores while the men go out to hunt for food. The Ashinabe males take pride in their hunting skills. Another particular example of Ashinabe social custom is the telling of stories, of which the prominent one is the foretelling of the future through the Seven prophecies of Fire that represents seven different eras. It is interesting to note that in these fourth through sixth prophecies, it tells of the coming of the â€Å"light-skinned people† and how they will influence the Ashinabe people and this is validated by history when the Europeans came and took over the land and introduce their own teachings and way of life. The Ashinabe people love to hold ceremonies which is often a reflection of their religious beliefs (in spirits of nature). In conducting their ceremonies the Ashinabe had the social custom of gathering together in circles. They have a ceremony called the sharing circle where a facilitator encourages the members of the circle to share their feelings or their views concerning a problem or solution. If it is a healing circle, facilitated by experienced healers, the members are asked of their desire to begin the healing process and this could be an emotional activity for the participants hence emotional supports are provided during and after the circle. For doctoring ailments, the medicine man consults the spirits for remedies. In both circles, a stick, or stone or feather is passed around to make the sharing easier and focused. In ceremonies, sacred fires are lit and tobacco offerings are offered to the Creator, Kitchi- Manitou. The most well known ceremony of the Ashinabe is the Pow Wow (feast of the pipes) with its activity of following a Pow Wow trail all summer. Unfortunately, because of commercialization and as an attraction to tourist, people forget that Pow Wow is indeed a serious ceremony for peace and giving gratitude and appreciation for the spirits of nature, with each song and dance offered as prayers to their Creator. The participants wore colorful regalia, jingle dress that is full of symbolic meaning but unfortunately recognized by most as just a costume. Feasts are then held after the Pow Wow ceremony where squash, corn and beans (the Three Sisters that sustained their ancestors) are always included to feed the people. A spirit plate, containing a sample of every dish, is made before any one partakes of the food and it is passed around for the guest. Feasts are also held for other occasions like weddings or when naming a child. The Ashinabe also practice the giving away of gifts in their ceremonies and feasts to honor someone and this gifts should be meaningful to the giver and to the one with whom the gift is given. The social custom of the Ashinabe people is very important as it reflect the way of life of the past and hence, the history of the early inhabitants of Canada. Although their ceremonies are considered now as one of the main tourist attractions and their ritual object as souvenirs, to the Ashinabe it held a deep symbolic meaning and tells so much of who they are as a person and people. Moreover, the social custom of the Ashinabe tells so much of how they view life and understanding these social customs is the key to understanding the Ashinabe mind and culture. The Ashinabe culture in some ways contradicts the contemporary culture which can be a source of conflict and tension, like for example in contemporary culture, tobacco is not used as an offering and women seeks fulfillment outside the home. However, one can observed that Ashinabe culture is similar to the contemporary culture like having a feast and ceremony for special occasions. Moreover, as the Ashinabe culture gets intermingled in the mainstream culture they help enrich and give color to the culture of the whites. For example, the Pow Wow had become a good attraction for business, the arts and objects of the Ashinabe people had become favorite souvenirs and home decorations. However, the Ashinabe also adopted the culture of the whites, making them lose their own culture and hence their leadership and confidence in themselves. At present, Ashinabe people are trying to revive their culture but the problem however is with the Cultural Appropriation that takes place when the dominant whites claim as their own the culture (their arts and literature, for example) of the minorities like the Ashinabe. The whites gain profit by selling the arts of the Ashinabe. Moreover, the most painful is the taking of the Ashinabe historical lands (without their consent and often through a betrayal of trust and promises) which had played a major role in their cultural history. This has been one of the sources of contention and conflict between the government and the Ashinabe people at present. How to cite The Ashinabe Culture, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Unix Essays - Unix, Berkeley Software Distribution, Operating System

Unix "UNIX was the first operating system designed to run on ?dissimilar' computers by converting most hardware specific commands in machine language into an independent programming language called ?C,'" Jon Wolfe writes in the Nashville Business Journal. (Wolfe 29) UNIX was the basis of AT&T's telephone system and the government's wide area network system. Then it became the basis of communication between engineers and scientists, and eventually the basis of communication for everyone worldwide (World Wide Web (Web)). It has held this remarkable spot since 1969. However, in the 1990s there are competitors in the market, namely, Microsoft Corporation with its Windows NT product. But UNIX-based software suppliers are not just turning over and letting the competitors win. UNIX supporters are many, and UNIX remains, and will remain a major player in the marketplace. The unique advantage of the UNIX operating system when it was introduced was that it could (and still does) run on dissimilar machines, unheard of prior to 1969. UNIX also can run more than one program at a time, store complex graphics and databases, and link to other UNIX and mainframe computer systems, including DOS since the late 1980s. UNIX-based systems control various programs written by many companies to distribute information between multiple computers within the network. This minimizes user costs and eliminates system-wide hardware crashes. Some of the original UNIX programs are "still evident today." (Wolfe 29) UNIX was developed at AT&T in 1969, primarily for controlling the phone network and handling government communications. Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sun Systems, other U.S. companies and international companies now sell versions of UNIX that work best on their computers. UNIX at first worked over ARPnet, "named after its sponsor from the Pentagon." (Sembawang 1997). The ARPA network grew throughout the 1970s when computer networks from various organizations, both nationally and internationally, began to link to ARPAnet, mostly for transferring engineering and scientific research data. "With the advent of satellite transmissions, the first international network connection was made with the University of London (England) and the Royal Radar Establishment of Norway in 1973." (Sembawang 1997) In 1979, the National Science Foundation established the Computer Science Research Network (CSnet), which connected to ARPAnet through a gateway. This system was used for e-mail and sharing technical information. (Sembawang 1997) In the early 1980's, the NSF created its own network, NSFnet, which added educational links for schools and libraries. However, access to NSFnet was limited to these government or government research organizations. (Sembawang 1997) In 1992, NSF created Advanced Network and Services, Inc. (ANS), used to manage the NSFnet, which opened up the Internet to everyone. ANS also opened up the potential for multimedia on the Internet through the World Wide Web. (Sembawang 1997) Once the potential was there, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) began a project to create the international internet. The CERN project operated on TCP/IP transfer protocols developed inside a Berkeley UNIX system. The project was started in the mid-1980s and completed in 1990. By 1993, the internet had become a world-wide phenomenon. (Segal 1995) The Web allows users to easily browse through hypertext and multimedia located on various computers and main frame systems around the world. Prior to the CERN project, internet users had to know UNIX programming language and move around in a cumbersome UNIX shell environment. (Segal 1995) The Web can best be described as a "global interactive, dynamic, cross-platform, distributed, graphical hypertext information system that operates over the internet. (Lemay 4) It operates on many protocols, including FTP, Gopher, UseNet, WAIS databases, and TELNET. Most of the text transferred over the internet is written in hypertext markup language (HTML). Graphics are transferred via standard generalized markup language (SGML) through the UNIX operating system. No one owns the web, but a consortium of U.S. and European individuals and organizations who support its operation, called the World Wide Web (W3) Consortium, established the protocols and languages that will be supported on the web. (Lemay 12). Popular browsers include Netscape, NCSA Mosaic, Lyna, MacWeb and WinWeb. A URL (home pages, BBSs, etc.) is a pointer to a posting on a Gopher, UseNet or FTP. All of these are currently transferred over the UNIX operating system. "Today, the Internet is still growing in terms of size and number of connections. It is estimated that there are now about 50 million Internet users worldwide, from as many as 100 countries." (Sembawang 1997). UNIX has enjoyed a long, exclusive history, but Microsoft is trying to establish Windows NT as the premier Web server and replace UNIX's dominant position as the internet's operating system. Although the internet was

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Number of McDonalds Restaurants Worldwide

Number of McDonalds Restaurants Worldwide According to the McDonalds Corporation website (as of January 2018), McDonalds has locations in 101 countries. More than 36,000 restaurants around the world serve 69 million people every day. However, some of those locations listed as countries are not independent countries at all, such as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, which are United States territories, and Hong Kong, which at the time of establishment was under British control, before its handoff to China. On the flipside, there is a McDonalds on the island of Cuba, though its technically not on Cuban soil - its on the American base at Guantanamo, so it qualifies as an American location. Regardless of country definition, 80 percent of the locations are owned and operated by franchisees, and 1.9 million people work for McDonalds. In 2017, revenue for the fast-food restaurant amounted to $22.8 billion. In 1955 Ray Kroc opened his first location in Illinois (the original restaurant being in California); by 1965 the company had 700 locations. Just two years later the company officially went international, opening in Canada (Richmond, British Columbia)  and Puerto Rico in 1967. Now, Canada has 1,400 McDonalds restaurants, and Puerto Rico boasts 104. Canadas McDonalds locations are the biggest restaurant buyer of Canadian beef in the country. Different McMenus Worldwide Besides buying their ingredients where they operate, around the world the restaurants also adapt the McDonalds menu to local tastes, such as Japan serving a pork patty teriyaki  burger and Seaweed Shaker or chocolate-drizzled fries, Germany serving shrimp cocktail, Italys burger being topped with  Parmigiano-Reggiano  cheese, Australia offering a guac salsa or a bacon cheese sauce as a topping for fries, and French customers being able to order a caramel banana shake. Available only in Switzerland is the McRaclette, a sandwich of beef that includes slices of raclette cheese, gherkin pickles, onions, and a special raclette sauce. But forget the beef in India. There the menu includes vegetarian options, and they specialize the cooks in the kitchen - people cooking meats, such as chicken, dont cook the vegetarian dishes.   Historically Significant Worldwide Locations During the Cold War, some of openings of the countries McDonalds restaurants were seen as historic events, such as the first ones in East Germany shortly after the Berlin Wall fell in late 1989, or in Russia (then the U.S.S.R.) in 1990 (thanks to prerestroika and glastnost) or other Eastern Bloc nations and China during the early 1990s as well.   Is McDonalds the Largest Fast-Food Chain in the World? McDonalds is a huge and mighty fast-food chain but is not the largest. Subway is the largest, with 43,985 stores in 112 countries  as of early 2018. Again, many of these countries are not independent and are merely territories. And Subways restaurant count certainly includes all those that are part of other buildings (as half of a convenience store, for example) rather than counting only standalone restaurant locations. The third runner-up is KFC (formerly Kentucky Fried Chicken), with 20,500 locations in 125 countries, according to its official website. Other widely spread worldwide food brands that the United States has exported include Pizza Hut (14,000 locations, 120 countries), and Starbucks (24,000 locations, 75 markets).

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Understanding the Role of a Wet Nurse

Understanding the Role of a Wet Nurse A wet nurse is a lactating woman who breastfeeds a child who is not her own. Once a highly organized and well-paid profession, wet nurses had all but disappeared by 1900. Before the invention of infant formula and feeding bottles made wet nursing virtually obsolete in Western society, aristocratic women commonly hired wet nurses, as breastfeeding was seen as unfashionable. The wives of merchants, doctors, and lawyers also preferred to employ a wet nurse rather than breastfeed because it was cheaper than hiring help to run their husbands business or manage a household. A Career for Poor Women Wet nursing was a common career choice for poor women among the lower classes. In many cases, wet nurses were required to register and undergo medical exams. During the Industrial Revolution, lower-income families used wet nurses as more and more women began working and were unable to breastfeed. The rural poor- peasant women- began to assume the role of wet nurses. The Advent of Formula While animal milk was the most common source for replacing human milk, it was nutritionally inferior to breast milk. Advances in science enabled researchers to analyze human milk and attempts were made to create and improve on nonhuman milk so that it could more closely approximate human milk. In 1865 chemist Justus von Liebig patented an infant food consisting of cows milk, wheat and malt flour, and potassium bicarbonate. The introduction of infant formula, the greater availability of animal milk, and the development of the feeding bottle reduced the need for wet nurses throughout the latter half of the 19th century and well into the 20th century. What's Different Now? After the rise of formula and the decline of wet nursing, the once common service has become almost taboo in much of the West. But as breastfeeding is an increasingly acceptable practice once more, mothers of infants are feeling the pressure once again to nurse. However, uneven maternity leave benefits around the nation and the real difficulties of breastfeeding mean that some women would likely benefit from returning to the age-old tradition of wet nursing. As The New Republic reported in 2014, sharing nursing responsibilities- whether by formally hiring a wet nurse or by figuring out an informal arrangement among friends- was looking to be a reasonable solution that could relieve the burden on working mothers without compromising their babies’ feeding. The practice remains controversial. Even the breastfeeding advocacy group, La Leche League, was discouraging the practice in 2007. According to spokeswoman, Anna Burbidge: There are very strong reservations against it, both medically and psychologically. There are potential hazards. The biggest risk is that of infection being passed from the mother to the child. Breast-milk is a living substance expressly designed by your body for your baby, not someone elses. Despite these risks, its not surprising that in this age of ridesharing and spare-room sharing, milk sharing is a phenomenon that some families are now trying. A Facebook group and milk-sharing sites have appeared, and according to a Netmums.com piece from 2016, the practice is on the rise. Their 2016 informal poll found that one in 25 women had shared their milk, and 5 percent of families had used milk from the more regulated source of a milk bank. As the taboo slowly lifts, this age-old practice may just make a real comeback. Source Stevens, Emily E., RN, FNP, WHNP, Ph.D., Thelma E. Patrick, RN, Ph.D., and Rita Pickler, RN, PNP, Ph.D. A History of Infant Feeding. The Journal of Perinatal Education at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Spring 2009.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Big Event Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Big Event Financial Management - Essay Example With every FIFA football world cup event, host countries are required to have a minimum of eight highly accredited stadiums and two standby stadiums in case something happens to one or any of the eight reserved for the event. In the recently held FIFA world cup in Brazil, the nation was required to construct new additional stadiums to supplement the already existing fields. Similarly, the Olympic Games have become an extremely costly venture to undertake, especially for the host cities because of the infrastructural improvements that have to be done. Some of the improvements that have to be undertaken include the road networks, communication networks and accommodation facilities within the host cities. Because of the amount of work and funds needed to be invested to successfully host the Olympic events, organizers for the event in the past selected developed nations such as England and Italy and the United States. Out of the possible twenty-seven Summer Olympic Games held since its i nception, Mexico and Brazil are the only developing economies to have hosted the event outside Europe, the United States and developed nations of Asia. Cities such as Seoul and Barcelona used the event to overhaul their urban infrastructure completely. Such was the opportunity that organizers for the event in the two cities were looking out for, to create long lasting positive economic effects that would surely pay off the costs of laying out the infrastructure in the long run.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Mind mapping Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mind mapping - Research Paper Example Likewise, power providers such as the one displayed in Monster’s Inc. do not necessarily have to concern themselves with competition due to the fact that their competition does not spring up overnight because the entry cost into the market is so incredibly high. As was the case with McDonalds, consumer tastes, the price of food, the performance of the economy, the time of year, and the time of month have massive impacts on overall total sales levels. For this reason, firms like McDonalds are much more beholden to the swings of the external environment than say a power provider. However, at the end of the day, both companies must be mindful of the external environment because to ignore it is to ignore the future viability of the firm. Within Monsters Inc, the viewer is presented with secretaries and administrative staff, the CEO, HR and quality control, machinery technicians, janitorial staff, primary agents (the Scarers), and security and disaster remediation staff. Whereas at a regional McDonald’s location you do not see the stratified corporate footprint as was exhibited in Monster’s Inc.; instead, you see the cooks (technicians), the drive through staff (sales and customer service), cashiers (finance), and shift supervisor (management) (Bacon, 2011). Within Monsters Inc, you are aware of a training department, a quality assurance department, an HR department, a CEO, and a security team. Likewise, when working at McDonalds, the corporate footprint was less stratified. Because of the fact that I was working in the franchise operation, I was not necessarily aware of the larger operations taking place outside my field of view with reference to McDonalds as a corporate entity. Sadly, the environment within McDonald’s was an abysmally miserable one from my personal experience. It was so bad in fact that I chose not to continue my employment with the company longer than the

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ms Simulation Reflective Report Marketing Essay

Ms Simulation Reflective Report Marketing Essay Motor vehicle industry is growing industries in the world. Demand for vehicles is so high globally which makes the industry to be innovative and creative to meet the changing needs and wants of the people. Our company was among other StratSim companies formed for the purpose of simulation within the Vehicle manufacturing industries. Our firm was firm D with the vehicles ranging from Economic (Delite), Family (Defy) and Truck (Dusty) for the value seekers, family oriented and singles within the given regions. 2.0 OUR COMPANY MISSION AND VISION STATEMENT As our initial budget, market position and cash flow was similar to other Stratsim firms and therefore our mission is to increase sales and provide the customers with the safety and quality standard vehicles to gain highest returns while at the same time remaining low cost producers in comparison to our competitors. Our vision is to make available the vehicles which our customers require in the best and affordable prices and standards. 3.0 EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ANALYSIS Internal and external analysis is when different factors are analysed from within the firm and around the competitors and industry as a whole to give the precise position of the firm and its performance standards. 3.1 PESTEL Political: As this was a simulation and not the real world firm there were no many implications on political instabilities within the region. In the real world though there are government instabilities which can hinder the operations of the firm such as change in government, introduction of new legislations, Ethical requirements by government etc. Economical: In Period one the economy and gas prices were stable suitable for the greater sales. The industry expenditure was also flat to $1,505 million. In the period 5 the economy grew better than expected which gave rise to the vehicle sales. However crude oil prices had gone high by the end of the period 4. Initially was $3 p/gal and then forecasted to rise to $4.90 by period 6. This was a concern for the coming periods as inflation seemed to be ranging from 2% to 2.5%. Industry marketing expenditure also increased by $ 206 million to $1,977 million and GDP rose to 2.5% by period 5 while initially was 1.0%. Social: Highest class is the family segment with the sales units (000) 4,706 out of which our firm had 12.3% share by period 5 which was a decrease as initial share was 14.3%. The second value seekers who mostly go for economic vehicles to with the total sales 1,327,000 and we hold the share of 10.9% by period 5. And the singles segment was mainly aimed for the trucks and their total sales 1,233,000 out of which we hold 11.9%. Our concerned were the value seekers, families and singles and not segments like high income earners and enterprisers. Technological: In the simulation game the technology was limited to development centres, interior, styling, safety and quality. Cargo space, braking system, reliability and durability of the vehicles are the main technically concentrated areas. In todays vehicle industry aspects such as noise, speed, digital dashboards, stylish folding seats and other features are emphasized. With the simulation the maximum feasible for the development centres was 5 and ours was 2, while interior maximum was 11 and out of which our firm was having 4, styling maximum was 12 and we were rating to 6, safety was 11 and we were rated 5 and quality was maximum 12 out of which we rated 6. Environmental: This was not a major concern though lead free vehicles with minimum noise structure are preferred. Vehicles with good fuel consumption are opted by majority of the customers and therefore help in preserving our environment. Legal: Laws on labour, vehicle manufacturing, registration and many others normally affect the vehicle industries but in the case of simulation this was not a concern though it was believed that the firm is in compliance with all the necessary legal requirements such as safety, quality, ethics etc. PORTERS FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Porter 5 forces are used to determine the intensity of the competition and evaluate the actual position that the firm is holding. Summary of the Five Forces: Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of customers Threat of substitute Threat of new entrants Competition within/rivalry HIGH 7 firms competing head to head within the industry HIGH As there are 7 firms in total within the industry depending upon the same supplier MODERATE Motor bikes, Bicycles or use of public transport LOW As high investments required, customers buying power and high technological cost HIGH As there are 7 firms within the industry serving the same segments e.g. family, economic and truck Threat of New Entrants: is low due to high investments requirement, high customer buying power and high technological cost incurred to establish and maintain the firm. Though in the simulation the threat is low as the appointed firms are the only ones competing. This leads to growth as managers can concentrate on available competition therefore make more strategic decisions. Threat of Substitutes: this is moderate as due to high traffic jams, pollution and environmental awareness many of the people opt for motor bikes, bicycles or using public transport instead of owning a vehicle. But most of our sales were basing on the family vehicles which means family people would of course still prefer having a convenience means of transport for the whole family and also those who need to carry bulky goods would rather have a truck or spacious vehicle then using the alternatives. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: is high though it is not specified within the simulation but is evident as 7 firms depend on the minimum number of suppliers and therefore this gives the upper hand to the supplier to bargain a good deal out of their buyers. This restricts the managements decision to be cost effective as manufacturing cost is increased with the suppliers bargaining power. Bargaining Power of Buyers: is high as there are 7 firms producing similar vehicles with very less differentiated features if any in the same segments of economy, family and truck therefore giving the buyers more choices to select from before buying the vehicles. This is good in a way management can be innovative to bring out best vehicles to offer to buyers but also restricts on the price bases as customers have the upper hand. Rivalry/competition: is high as there are 7 firms competing head to head to gain higher market share and returns and therefore gives an intensified competition to all the firms. This is healthy to some point as it gives the challenge to managers but it is a threat as when firm fails to provide better and reasonable vehicles compared to the rivals. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS helps the firm analyse its internal as well as external capabilities. Whereby strengths and weaknesses are internal, opportunity and threats are external. A firm is required to identify its strengths to overcome its weaknesses and capture opportunities and minimise threat. INTERNAL EXTERNAL Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Ability to manage debts -cash flow management -positive income -Poor cost management -Low capabilities in terms of development centers Growing economy Emerging market 4M Increase Fuel prices Increased inflation Intensive competition Strength: The ability to manage debts and have a slight increase from period 1 to period 5 by $1,125. Our cash flow management was good as we had enough money in circulation and in the firm to carry out operations smoothly unlike other firms who had gone negative in the cash flow. (Appendix 1 2). We are among the 2nd firm that managed to keep their income levels positive unlike others who went negative. (See appendix 3) Weakness: Our main weakness was our cost management. Our sales were increasing by period 5 they reached $15, 54.8 an increase of $550.5 since period 2 but our costs were also increasing and therefore reducing our net income which came to $38.7 in period 5 while it was $ 587.1 in period 2. (Appendix 4) Opportunity: the growing economy and emerging new market 4m as per the research was the opportunity towards the firm. (Appendix 5) All we needed to do was utilize our strength to minimize our weakness and capture this appealing opportunity before our competitors do. Threat: Increasing prices of crude oil and increase in inflation percent is the main concern for the firm. Competition is also fierce from the financial summary of the overall industry we are placed at 2nd last position in terms of value market share which we hold 11.4% of the total market. (Appendix 3) STRATEGIC DECISIONS A strategy is the action plan for of the organisation to achieve organisation goals and gain competitive advantage over the rivals and achieve maximum returns for the stakeholders. BASIC STRATEGY APPLIED: The firm was in a similar situation as its competitors when the simulation started and therefore our first strategy was to increase our technological capabilities in order to differentiate our vehicles from those of the competitors. We also aimed at increasing sales as our mission explains and therefore we increased our budget for product marketing by $2 million initially. As we were not familiar with the outcome, yet we had achieved greatly by increased return on sales from 3.4% to 3.9% and increased return on assets by 6.4% to 8.2%. Later we increased on promotions and advertising as we believed that its the only way to position our product in the mind of the customers in order to increase sales. Later on we decided to upgrade our vehicles according to quality and safety requirements to all of our vehicles but that did not give the kind of returns we were hoping for. We also increased our plant capacity by 300(000s) in order to facilitate better manufacturing. We also increased our inventory as we were running short to the demand; we had also increased awareness in south and west regions where we saw we were lacking back in terms of sales units. We had also increased our relationship with underperforming dealers by increasing their discount from 8% to 9% so that they are motivated to sale more of our vehicles in their perspective regions. We had also increased the budget for the training and developing our dealers to be able to understand our vehicles better so that they can believe in our product and sale more. FUTURE STRATEGY: We still continue to emphasise our future strategies to such that will enable us to increase our sales volume and give us the highest returns. We intend to take advantage of the new market that is identified by the market research (Appendix 5). This will be achieved by being more innovative and customer oriented so that we serve our customers with what they require. We also intend to increase our technological capabilities as technology is dynamic and therefore all efforts will be made to keep up with the changing technology to give our customers the most stylish, safe, spacious and most of all quality vehicles. This would be value for their money. 5.0 EXPERIENCES AND LEARNING The simulation was a great learning experience. It increased my knowledge obtained from academic teachings and gave me ability to use them to the real world scenario. We had planed our team in such a way that one member logs in with his user name and password and feeds the decisions for the period, though the decisions were discussed and come to conclusion by all of the team members this enabled us to divide our work and come up with final decision which boosted our knowledge base to the great extent. The following are among the few of what I had experienced during the simulation exercise: The ability to make decision on various aspects of the business such as marketing, manufacturing, technological etc. How to grow as a firm and sustain the growth with the resources available Learnt how to analyse different internal and external factors affecting the firm and know where our firm stands in the industry (Bench Marking) Monitor inventory turnover period and re-stock when necessary. Experienced the competition and discover ways to overcome. Learned how to forecast future sales, identify opportunities and establish good relationship with dealers. Learned how important marketing and promotion is for the growth of the sales and overall business and also to position our products in the minds of targeted customers. Learnt to be customer oriented and understand their needs and produce according to their requirements. (Segmenting and targeting) Learnt how to manage costs and overall cash flow. Last but not the least the major learning and experience was the team work was essential in any business and decision making. Organising team work and group discussions were among the major experiences of simulation. CONCLUSION In conclusion I can say firm D has performed reasonably well compared to the situation and experience team members had. Though our sales didnt increase to our expectations but yet we had maintained the positive income unlike other firms who had gone negative on cash flows as well as incomes. We could have done better with better decision making in aspects such as new product development to give our customers customised vehicle, more emphasis could have been made to our product upgrade and manufacturing in order to meet the growing demand especially for the family segment as it is the growing in demand vehicle in the industry. All in all it was a good attempt in my view and even better learning experience for all our group members which not only increased our academic knowledge and gave us good real life decision making experience but it also increased our social interactions within the group which in itself is a learning achievement.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

“Rodeo-Soho Fashion Spree” A Comparison Essay on Two Places

IntroductionIt is true for a fact that due to the immense rise of globalization and competition in the world of business today, the contemporary society continuously seeks for fresher, trendy and the rather â€Å"Gucci-fancy† commodities which will seemingly amaze anyone who happens to come across one’s way (Peters & Barletta, 2005).   As for me, I admirably belong to that certain group—the â€Å"fashionistaz,† as they say. I am a cloth addict.   Not only because I am actually exposed to such line of industry given the fact that my sister works for Marc Jacobs, a renowned fashion commerce, but also because I had the indulgence and delight of seeing myself galloping along shops and stalls filled with all the wondrous stuff any â€Å"trendy† lass could ever take to imagine.Apparently, for a trendsetter like me, undeniably a fickle aided individual in the fashion arena, it is inevitable to easily â€Å"get enough† of what I already have.   Consequently, it boggles in my head that I cannot exactly reach all the glittering stars in shops—I need to wait for my time in life where I would be able to build my own Salvatore Ferragamo, Hermes and Ralph Lauren Black Label shops fit enough for my enthusiasm, and adequate for all the hungry â€Å"fashionistaz† living in this planet.   I know for a fact that trendsetters are fickle-minded beings—experience based.   I remember two shops which conceivably mean much to me, and my hobby—the gigantic Ta Ta Style in Rodeo Street, Seoul; and the Ralph Lauren Black Label shop at Soho Street, Manhattan.   The name of both stores will terribly ring a bell to my co-trendsetters.Seoul’s Ta ta StyleIn Rodeo Street, there are bunches of small but fancy boutique shops decorated with brand new fashion items, although one may not directly love the view in the exterior cascade—scary, spooky and definitely not that presentable. Many have, in point of fact, rated such store as â€Å"shabby† and completely disgusting.   But then there’s this line which says â€Å"don’t judge a book by its cover†Ã¢â‚¬â€I guess it applies to this certain store. The Ta ta Style is the best place in the world for me—a place where one can find all the limited edition accessories and clothes with low prices, meet famous celebrities every day, hang out with a store owner who suggests brilliant items—and is admirably situated in the heart of the city.   The shop was cozy.A small orange sofa, a shiny silver coffee maker, a high tech TV and computer and other modern decorations were facing toward the guests. On the other side, hundred photographs of famous celebrities with the shop owner are posted on the mirror. Colorful shirts, vintage jackets, dandy jeans and funky ties, caps and chains—everything can be found in there.   Not only that, the owner also offers a beverage for its customers and talk to them in the most casual sense—trying to get a glitch of what his customers want, like, or imagine of wearing.   In my own conviction, it is a â€Å"sales technique† which gradually draws mutual benefit.Manhattan’s Ralph Lauren Black LabelClassics are forever and trends are unpredictable—both terms jive to one another, in a vicinity rated as a tourist spot and migration realm for international schemes, it is always a blockbuster hit to venture into a business which does not just settle for what is conventional, but rather on what is flexible.   Masterpiece, in line with trend, worth the price—three factors which best defines Ralph Lauren Black Label shop at Soho Street.   It was one of the biggest and fanciest shops I ever seen in my life. The store looked magnificently gorgeous, and its size was bigger than my high school assembly hall. Managers were dressed up with sharp suites, and they looked well educated for servicing their customers. H owever, somehow I couldn’t feel close to this store since everything was too much professional and organized. A gray cashmere muffler had a price tag on it which says two hundred and forty dollars—something my pockets could not tend to reach for the immediate moment.Conclusions with further remarksPerceivably, both stores have things in common and entities which differ from the other.   Both offer the â€Å"trendiest† inclination in human colony.   On the other hand, both disagree on the following: price, the â€Å"sense of formality, and the place. Geographical basis, both are on different continents, the culture is the different and the places where the stores are situated, are terribly contrasting.   Manhattan’s glowing paradise is â€Å"too formal† and decent, to be specific, while Seoul’s alley is â€Å"fancy† and casual.   Only that, in their specific regions and area of jurisdiction, they are ‘rulers’ of t he industry which they are most renowned into.For the reason that there are distinctive characteristics in every place, it is vague to extend a conviction based on biased opinions.   How a store may actually look like depends on the rationality of a person.   A lot of factors must be taken into consideration—lifestyle, culture, laws, tribal entities and the pyramid of social structure—all of which are the fundamentals which make up a certain structure.   For some, the â€Å"fancy-shabby† shop may be the â€Å"worst† shop, but for those who live in there and for the people who loves their products, it is like a kingdom filled with jewels and happiness.   Everything falls on the lines of â€Å"enthusiasm† and â€Å"need† for something, and that is one to be respected.   Everyone is entitled for their own perceptions.   But then as for me, I settle for what I can afford—achieve, for that instance.   I love â€Å"Ta ta† and â€Å"Ralph Lauren†Ã¢â‚¬â€that is my own conviction, my own life, my own fulfillment in life, my joy, my happiness, and so how I see both structures shows my standpoint as well.Reference:Peters, T., & Barletta, M. (2005). Trends (Tom Peters Essentials). New York NY: DK ADULT.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay on Effects of TV Violence on Children - 2966 Words

When did teaching kids to kill become associated with a persons first amendment rights? In the wake of school shootings and concealed weapons being carried by students, many government agencies have begun to study the effects of violence on television as a prominent variable in childhood and adolescent aggressiveness. The prevalence of violence in television is rampant. It is as addictive as a drug to the children and adolescents, and is accomplishing two extreme reactions: a desensitization towards pain and suffering in the world, and instilling fear of the world as a dark, cold place. Although violence in all media has become a prominent issue, the focus has mainly been on television because it has had the most†¦show more content†¦Since the deregulation of television in the 1980s, there has been a rapid increase in violence because violence sells. Studies of both social and psychological nature have found a conclusive link between exposure to television violence and aggressiveness. Faith McLellan investigated if violence on television makes violent children as explained by the studies performed by Robert DuRant. He concluded that deviant behavior was linked to watching WWF, the World Wrestling Federation. The effects found, more in girls than boys, were of increased use of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs; date-fight perpetration and victimization; and weapons carrying (DuRant). Those who watched WWF were also found to be more violent in school as DuRant observed violence being practiced on the playground and generally high levels of emotional distress. Studies have also determined that not all forms of violence are equally permeable into childrens daily repertoire. Surprisingly, the violence that contributes most to aggressive behavior is that which involves an attractive perpetrator (McLellan). The actions of a hero are more influential on the minds of young people because they see acts of violence as being encouraged, praised, and unpunished. Those violent acts seen on television, fantasy or not, thatShow MoreRelatedTelevision and Media Violence - Effects of TV Violence on Children2097 Words   |  9 PagesEffects of Television Violence on Children    Television is the mainstream of our culture. Violence on television has been a topic of conflict since before 1950. There have been repeated debates on how to protect children from the harmful effects of violence on television. Television is one form of modern media that influences the everyday lives of people. Televised violence has a major effect on how children perceive the world and how they behave. American television has become the mostRead More effects of tv violence on children Essay719 Words   |  3 Pages Effects of Television Violence on Children In our society today, it is extremely important to pay attention to what influences children. One of the biggest influences America’s youth may have is the television. It is possible for children to be pulled into the television’s realistic world of violence with sometimes devastating results. The impact of television violence on youth behavior has been an issue for many years. Violent programs on television lead to negative behavior by children and teenagersRead MoreSocial Learning Theory and The Effect of TV Violence on Children2115 Words   |  9 PagesThe Effect of TV Violence on Children In the United States children watch an average of three to fours hours of television daily (Cantor Wilson, 1984, p. 28). Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, much of todays television programming is violent. Studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found that children may become insensitive to violence. 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No says the American replacing baby sitters? Hypothesis: Extensive viewing of television violence causes children to behave in aggressive or harmful ways to others. Children model behavior they see in the media, she wrote in 1993. IfRead More The Effects of Violence in the Media Essay1528 Words   |  7 Pages The Effects of Violence In the Media nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"Someone just got shoot on the streets due to the violence in the media.† That is what some people are saying that violence in the media is the cause of that. The controversy of the effects that violence has on people has been going on for a long time. This paper is going to prove both sides of the controversy and let one decide which side is right. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Violence is on the news and on everyday action showsRead MoreMedia Effects On The Media Essay1273 Words   |  6 Pagestelevision (TV), however many experts feel we are constantly affected by the media whether we think we are or not. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Language Is The Most Noble And Profitable Invention Of All...

Speech, language, is the ‘most noble and profitable invention of all other’ according to Thomas Hobbes (1985, 100). I would concur with his view. Language is one of the strongest notions that sets us apart from other species. We evolved from using simple gestures and sounds into composing complex expressed usages of vocals and symbols. Language, with the passage of time, transformed into the numerous styles that we have today. Humans have yet to reach capacity with language for it is always evolving, expanding our view of our world. Hobbes believes the origin of language began with God. He based his findings on the teaching of the Christian bible. (1985, 100) God is all knowing and is the author of nature, which in turn is the author of speech. I, however greatly disagree with Hobbes’s concept. As reason and science expands centuries later, humanity comes into other beliefs and concepts of man’s origin, which coincides with an alternative view how language began. I have found in my studies that language was created by our species through evolutionary means within a large span of time. Nature exists outside of a God. Speech granted our species the ability to share thoughts and ideas between one another. This in turn gave way into a new age of truth. We could explore our perplex existence. Hobbes proclaimed there were four primary approaches man expresses speech. First, through communication, such as thought through the means of oral or written form, second throughShow MoreRelatedDiscuss with examples how the English Language has changed over time.2353 Words   |  10 Pagesstipulates that no language can ever be permanently the same, but will always be in a variable and fluctuating state. Every existing language undergoes change with time. To the advantage of human beings, these changes occur gradually. Had this not been the case, people would be faced with the task of relearning their native language almost every twenty years. 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