Monday, May 11, 2020

Analysis Of John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men - 950 Words

Peter Farnham 139678 Mrs. Hungers Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Honors English 10 Application Mental disabilitesy often cause disturbing or disruptives very false behavior. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, two migrant workers, named George and Lennie, find work at a ranch, and Lennie, who has having a mental disability, causes numerous problemsincidents of trouble. When Lennie kills the wife of a worker on the ranch named Curley, Steinbeck shows how that shapes the story through George, Lennie himself, and a few other ranch workers. To begin with, George shows changes in his outlook on everything after Lennie commits this crime. Before the event, George always had somewhat of an open heart towards Lennie due to†¦show more content†¦The book says, â€Å"George moved slowly after them, and his feet dragged heavily† (98). Even though he does not want to see his companion go, he knows it is not out of line what the other ranch workers are doing. Although, George wants to be the one to say goodbye to Lennie and not h ave him be tortured, so he finds him and shoots him himself calmly before any of them reach his destination. In addition to George’s outlook on Lennie, after he kills Curley’s wife, all of his hope is lost in ever having a farm of their own. It says, â€Å"‘I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would’† (94). Ever since the beginning George and Lennie want to have a farm of their own. However, once Lennie commits this crime, all of his hope is lost. This pivotal moment for Lennie causes George’s full realization, shaping the story from thatto the point toof the climax. Additionally, Lennie shows a big change in his personality after he kills Curley’s wife. Throughout the story Lennie is known for being unintentionally rough on things such as mice, a puppy, and even Curley’s hand when the two got into an altercation together. Although in those incidents Lennie was only concerned about what George would think of him versus his own morality and safety. He felt like that after killing Curley’s wife. After Lennie kills the puppy he says, â€Å"‘Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. I didn’t bounce

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